The science of acupuncture is an important component of traditional chinese medicine used in the prevention and treatment of disease. THis therapy has been acepted by the People's Republic of China, Korea, Japan and increasingly important component of world medicine. With a view to offering further service to the people of world (WHO), three international acupuncture training centres were established in Beijing, Shanghai and Nanjing since 1975. Now it has been spreading to all over China.
By definition, acupuncture is an ancient form of Chinese Medicine using hair thin needles placed on the body. Stimulation of specific points with special method results in a therapeutic homeostatic effects. In the system of acupucnture, it consist of 12 regular meridian, 8 extra meridian, 12 divergent meridians, 15 collaterals, 12 muscle meridians, 12 cutaneous regions, acupoints of the 14 meridians and the extra points.
How acupuncture and traditional chinese medicine treat disease is protect and promote body's self repair function. ​
History of Acupuncture & Moxibustion:
Acupuncture & Moxibustion: are an important invention of the Chinese nation which originated as early as in the clan commune period of the primitive society. THe acitivities of human beings appeared in China about 1,700,000 years ago. It was about 100,000 years ago that China entered the clan commune period which lasted till 4000 years ago. In the ancient literature there were many legends about the origin of acupuncture and moxibustion such as FU Xi's creation of the therapeutic techniques with stone needles, and Huang Di (yellow emperror)'s invention of acupuncture and moxabustion.
In theclassicis of two thousand years ago, it was frequently cited that the acupuncture instruments were made of stone ans were named bian stone. The second photo to the left are examples of bian stone. From the Warring States Period (475-221B.C.) to the Qin Dynasty (221-207B.C.) and to the Western Han Dynasty (206B.C.- A.D. 24), it was the establishing and strengthening stage of the fedual system in China. With the intrudction and application of iron instruments, bian stone needles were replaced by metal medical needles. As recorded in the bodd Miraculous Pivot, there were 9 kinds of metallic needles at that time with different shapes and usage. (third photo on left)
Today with the improvement of techology, the needles are as thin as hair. The needles used in USA are one-time use sterized needle.
Theroy and practice of Acupuncture:
Yin-yang, five elements, zang-fu, meridians and collaterals, mentality and spirit qi and bolld, body fluid, five emotions and six exogeneous pathogenic factors the basic knowledge of tradition chinese medicine, Acupuncture and moxibustion. It explains the physiology and pathology of the human body, the priciple of diagnosis, the prevention and treatment of diseases from the perspective of atheism, holistic conception, the viewpoint of develpment and change, and the relationship between the human body and the natural environment. This laid a theoretical foundation of Chinese Medicine and pharmacology, including acupuncture and moxibustion.
From the Eastern Han Dynasty (A.D.25-220) to the Three Kindoms period (220-265), another generalization and summarization of traditional chinese medicine and pharmacology was made. Many famous doctors paid great attention to the study of acupuncture and moxibustion. Hua Tuo who was the pioneer to apply herbal anesthesia for surgical opations only selected one to two points in acupuncture treatment and took much notice to the propagation of needling sensation in Canon of Moxibustion and Acupuncture Preserved in Pillow (lost). Dr. Zhang ZhongJing also mentioned the methods of acupuncture and etc. In his book Treatise on Febrile and Miscellaneous Diseases, he stressed very much on combing acupunctue with herbs as well as applying the treatment according to the differentiation of symptom complex.
During the Jin and Northern, Southern Dynasties (265-581), the chaos was upheaved by wars. The physicians advocated acupunctue and moxibustion therapy very much because of its convenient use in time of turmoil and masses of people also knew something about moxibustion therapy. The famous doctor doctor Ge Hong wrote the book Prescriptions for Emergencies to popularize medical knowledge, especially the therapeutic methods of acupuncture and moxibustion...
Today Acupuncture are most well known for condition as listed:
There are many styles of acupuncture today which all rooted from the original text and study of Tradition Chinese Medicine. Chinese six needle technique, korea four needle technique (saam acupuncture), japanese acupuncture, five element acupuncture, sugar acupuncture, Chinese Jing three-needle acupuncture, scalp acupuncture, ear acupuncture, NADA protcol for drug addtition, facial rejuvenation acupuncture, Trigger point release acupuncture, wrist and ankle acupuncture and etc.
Condtions our clinic treat since 1990's:
Acne/ Skin problems
Allergy/ sinusitis
Anxiety/ Depression
Autoimmune system disorders
Blood Pressure
Chronic fatigue syndrome
Common cold/ Flu
Digestive Problems/ IBS
Headache/ Migraine
Infertility/ women's health/ Hormone balance
Neuropathic pain (peripheral neuropathy)
Pain condition
(Arthritic pains include osteoarthritis & rheumatoid arthritis, neck pain, carpal tunnel syndrome, elbow pain, knee pain, low back pain include muscle spasms and herniated disc, myofascial pain, shoulder pain/frozen shoulder or adhesive capsulitis, sciatic pain, ankle spray/ strain, wrist pain, TMJ pain & dysfunction etc)
Premenstrual syndrome & menopause symptoms
Preventative health
Side effects of Cancer treatments
Stoke, paralysis
Stress/ relaxation
Weight control
and etc...